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Why switch to a cogeneration plant?

These are just some of the answers, which convinced us to start our cogeneration plant.
To choose a path that leads us to save fuel by increasing efficiency, a green way that introduces less CO2  into the atmosphere; and a sustainable path, which cuts waste from separate energy production or network dispersion.

How tanning has evolved by optimizing resources, polluting less and improving the product; even the company’s energy consumption must evolve towards sustainability.

Cogeneration allows the combined production of energy and heat from a single plant.
It supplies electricity to the machines, hot water to the barrels of the wet ward, and powers the lighting as the heating of the shed.

Composed of a gas-powered engine, an electric generator and a heat exchanger, the apparatus is sized to meet our needs.
Reliable and avant-garde, it is able to control itself on the basis of the peaks of the company’s energy demand.

Constantly monitored remotely, also for assistance and maintenance, it is always the result of the new “INDUSTRIA 4.0”

The time has come for a new tanning future, a future 4.0